Summer project

For the summer project we ere asked to doccument places we travelled over the summer, but since i wasnt able to travel much more than going to and from work or back and forth Cwmcarn and Cardiff i mainly based my work on photos i took while i was on trains and buses.

While travelling on buses and trains you tend to look out the window more and from the window i took photos of the sky which were taken at a variety of times and weather, I then painted these views by layering acrylic and metallic paint which was used to show brightness and light on the one side of the glass, to show and image on the other side

something else i experimented with was trying to how movement/travelling, i planed to do this using colour. I started by using photos i’d taken from train windows and printing them onto fabric using gesso which worked but didnt come through as clear as i wanted due to the thick fabric so i then decided to try again on paper which worked a lot better. After this i dragged paint over the top to show movement and speed.